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Protection of species covers the most valuable, unique and rare representatives of flora and fauna. Strict protection in Poland comprises 584 species of plants, 90 mushroom species and 732 animal species. 65% of wild flora and fauna species in Poland are forest species.

The State Forests also undertake their  own protective initiatives. They help selected animal and plant species to create new habitats in the places where these species have become extinct (the so called reintroduction) or in places where they are threatened with extinction (restitution). This is the case of yew tree, the Sudety fir tree, black grouse, grouse and hare.

The chances of survival are offered to critically endangered species by protective zones for the selected animal species ( including the area around bird nests). The foresters are especially responsible for them, due to the reason that majority of them is located on the land managed by the State Forests. The Forest District Krzystkowice manages the protective zone of white-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla. The zone has the area of 32,59 ha.

It is impossible to list all protected and rare animal and plant species which live within the territory of the Forest District Krzystkowice. The rich flora is represented by, among others: sundew flytrap, cauliflower mushroom and ostrich fern. The rare and endangered fauna species are: stag beetle, great crested newt, otter and beaver which is year by year increasing the number of its habitats.

The Forest District Krzystkowice together with the Faculty of Ecology and Wild Game Breeding of the University of Natural Sciences in Lublin is implementing a project aiming at reconstruction of hare population. The project is coordinated by Professor Roman Dziedzic.